Name Party Social
SFJohn Brady Sinn Féin
FFStephen Donnelly Fianna Fáil
FGSimon Harris Fine Gael
GPSteven Matthews Green Party
SDJennifer Whitmore Social Democrats

* Member was a Landlord during 2023 - data correct as of 21st Feb 2024, see Register of Members' Interests for more information.

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Date Details Declared
10th July, 2024

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2024: Second Stage (Resumed)

Question put: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."


Tá: 3 - Níl: 1

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10th July, 2024

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages

Amendment put:


Tá: 3 - Níl: 1

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10th July, 2024

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages

Amendment put:


Tá: 3 - Níl: 1

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10th July, 2024

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages

Amendment put:


Tá: 3 - Níl: 1

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10th July, 2024

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages

Question put: "That section 1, as amended, stand part of the Bill."


Tá: 3 - Níl: 1

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