Date Details Declared
31st January, 2024

Misuse of Drugs (Cannabis Regulation) Bill 2022: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members]

Amendment put:


Tá: 74 - Níl: 56

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31st January, 2024

Children and Family Relationships (Amendment) Bill 2023: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members]

Amendment put:


Tá: 75 - Níl: 54

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31st January, 2024

Employment Permits Bill 2022: Report and Final Stages

Amendment put:


Tá: 48 - Níl: 74

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31st January, 2024

Social Welfare and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023: Report and Final Stages

Question put: "That the Bill do now pass."


Tá: 108 - Níl: 15

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24th January, 2024

Tribunal of Inquiry into certain matters relating to the Complaints Processes in the Defence Forces: Motion (Resumed)

Amendment put:


Tá: 57 - Níl: 71

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24th January, 2024

Gaza and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members]

Question put: "That the motion, as amended, be agreed to."


Tá: 71 - Níl: 58

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24th January, 2024

Gaza and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members]

Question put: "That the amendment be made."


Tá: 71 - Níl: 59

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24th January, 2024

Gaza and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members]

Amendment to amendment put:


Tá: 59 - Níl: 71

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24th January, 2024

Housing and Homeless Prevention: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members]

Question put: "That the motion, as amended, be agreed to."


Tá: 70 - Níl: 59

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24th January, 2024

Housing and Homeless Prevention: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members]

Amendment put:


Tá: 71 - Níl: 58

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