Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2023: Committee and Remaining Stages

Question put: "That the motion, as amended, be agreed to".

Tellers: Tá, Deputies Mary Butler and Emer Currie Deputies Pádraig Mac Lochlainn and Denise Mitchell.

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/ Yes (87)

Níl / No (71)


Below is the lists of TDs and how they voted. You can email and/or tweet the TDs based on their vote.

Name Name
FF  Willie O'Dea FF  Cathal Crowe
FF  Christopher O'Sullivan FF  Martin Daly
FF  Aisling Dempsey FF  Cormac Devlin
FF  Ryan O'Meara FF  Albert Dolan
FF  Timmy Dooley FF  Seán Fleming
FF  Norma Foley FF  Pat "the Cope" Gallagher
FF  Catherine Ardagh FF  James O'Connor
FF  Jennifer Murnane O'Connor FF  Shane Moynihan
FF  Michael Moynihan FF  Aindrias Moynihan
FF  John Lahart FF  James Lawless
FF  Erin McGreehan FF  Séamus McGrath
FF  Paul McAuliffe FF  Tony McCormack
FF  John Connolly FF  Tom Brabazon
FF  Robert Troy FF  Shay Brennan
FF  James Browne FF  Niamh Smyth
FF  Mary Butler FF  Brendan Smith
FF  Eamon Scanlon FF  Malcolm Byrne
FF  Thomas Byrne FF  Michael Cahill
FF  Dara Calleary FF  Pádraig O'Sullivan
FF  Naoise Ó Cearúil FF  Peter 'Chap' Cleere
FF  Jack Chambers FF  Seán Ó Fearghaíl
FG  Naoise Ó Muirí FG  Barry Ward
FG  William Aird FG  John Paul O'Shea
FG  Edward Timmins FG  Peter Roche
FG  Michael Murphy FG  Hildegarde Naughton
FG  Joe Neville FG  Maeve O'Connell
FG  Neale Richmond FG  Patrick O'Donovan
FG  Kieran O'Donnell FG  Alan Dillon
FG  Grace Boland FG  Brian Brennan
FG  Colm Brophy FG  Peter Burke
FG  Paula Butterly FG  Jerry Buttimer
FG  Catherine Callaghan FG  Micheál Carrigy
FG  Jennifer Carroll MacNeill FG  John Clendennen
FG  Joe Cooney FG  John Cummins
FG  Emer Currie FG  Noel McCarthy
FG  Frank Feighan FG  David Maxwell
FG  Keira Keogh FG  Emer Higgins
FG  Martin Heydon FG  Simon Harris
FG  James Geoghegan FG  Paschal Donohoe
IND  Danny Healy-Rae IND  Michael Healy-Rae
IND  Seán Canney IND  Barry Heneghan
IND  Marian Harkin IND  Noel Grealish
IND  Kevin Boxer Moran IND  Gillian Toole
IND  Michael Lowry
Name Name
SF  Louise O'Reilly SF  Dessie Ellis
SF  Maurice Quinlivan SF  Aengus Ó Snodaigh
SF  Ruairí Ó Murchú SF  Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire
SF  Thomas Gould SF  Ann Graves
SF  Johnny Guirke SF  Darren O'Rourke
SF  Mairéad Farrell SF  Louis O'Hara
SF  Martin Kenny SF  Claire Kerrane
SF  Shónagh Ní Raghallaigh SF  Natasha Newsome Drennan
SF  Pádraig Mac Lochlainn SF  Donna McGettigan
SF  Denise Mitchell SF  Johnny Mythen
SF  Brian Stanley SF  Mark Ward
SF  Cathy Bennett SF  John Brady
SF  Pat Buckley SF  Joanna Byrne
SF  Matt Carthy SF  Sorca Clarke
SF  Paul Donnelly SF  Rose Conway-Walsh
SF  Réada Cronin SF  Seán Crowe
SF  David Cullinane SF  Pa Daly
SF  Máire Devine SF  Pearse Doherty
GP  Roderic O'Gorman LB  Duncan Smith
LB  Robert O'Donoghue LB  Mark Wall
LB  Marie Sherlock LB  Ged Nash
LB  Ivana Bacik LB  Conor Sheehan
LB  George Lawlor LB  Ciarán Ahern
LB  Eoghan Kenny LB  Alan Kelly
SD  Jennifer Whitmore SD  Jen Cummins
SD  Aidan Farrelly SD  Pádraig Rice
SD  Gary Gannon SD  Sinéad Gibney
SD  Eoin Hayes SD  Rory Hearne
SD  Cian O'Callaghan AO  Peadar Tóibín
AO  Paul Lawless IND  Seamus Healy
IND  Paul Nicholas Gogarty IND  Michael Fitzmaurice
IND  Richard O'Donoghue IND  Carol Nolan
IND  Catherine Connolly IND  Michael Collins
IND  Mattie McGrath PBP  Ruth Coppinger
100% RED  Charles Ward II  Ken O'Flynn